It's Healing To Be On Your Own Side.
The End of Your Inner Critic
A new paradigm for Self Love in a world that's constantly telling you to be something different.
A wise old sage once told me something I'll never forget. Something that changed the way I look at myself forever. She said...
Did you know that there are three versions of you? And the reason you feel trapped in yourself and your life isn’t moving forward is because they are constantly at odds with one another.
Present you- the you sitting here right now- is trying their best, when all of a sudden, something comes over them. A force that pulls you into destruction. Distraction. Perfectionism. Self-medicating. Comparing yourself to everyone else’s highlight reels.
And Future you is frustrated- angry even- with present you. Because Future you is always paying the price. Trying to make up for lost time. Suffering the physical and mental exhaustion. Feeling like no matter what they do, it will never be enough. Spinning their wheels on the verge of burn out.
Future you is angry, rightfully so, because they see it all so clearly. And they’re sick of the constant criticism and self-sabotage.
All the while, past you sits there- buried in guilt. Never letting present you forget what you've done, lest you repeat your errors. Which you do anyway, of course.
And this battle goes on and on. You make a little progress, until the rug is torn out from under you.
And what most people never realize is that you're the one pulling the rug out. Even the few that do, don't know how to fix it.
Because they don't know how to be on their own side.
An advocate for health
An ambassador for happiness
An ally for your deepest dream and desires
A true friend
It's exhausting to be battling against yourself.
It's profoundly healing to finally be on your own side.
Self Love isn't just a fluffy idea for special snowflakes. Self Love is the backbone of your life, determining how much enjoyment, success, passion and purpose you have in literally everything you do. It’s not something you’ll knock out in a few therapy sessions and check off your list.
Self love is for highly successful individuals who understand that their relationship with themselves is their key to freedom and fulfillment. It is a deep practice and never-ending journey of discovering your real potential.
True success and happiness.
If You Ever Find Yourself...
If you checked even one of the boxes above,
"A Course in Self Love" will help you change this...forever.

Unlock Your Unique Self Love Code
Each module uses simple, proven methods to repair your relationship with yourself and build your confidence daily.
Loving Yourself Means...
- Effortless decision making without self-doubt and over-thinking
- Happier, healthier relationships based on mutual understanding, respect, and care
- Rich and rewarding experiences as you get out of your own head to be more present and aware.
- Unshakable self-worth that isn't based on what you can do, but who you are.
- Lasting inner peace. Confidence and inspiration come naturally as self-pressure and anxiety are released.
Watch as simple changes become transformational results in every area of your life.
- Incredible resilience to life's inevitable challenges.
- Boundless energy and joy. Embracing your passions rather than battling with yourself.
- Heightened self-awareness to stop negative patterns in their tracks and form new, healthy ones.
- Clear and easy communication. Speak your mind fearlessly.
Loveleen Saxena
Professional Artist
"The way that Nick has gone so in depth with these seemingly simple concepts sets this course far apart from any of the other self love courses I've taken before."
Watch her video to see what she found in this unique course and how it impacted her art, creativity and life.
5 Modules of transformational training to get to the heart of inner conflict and self-sabotage, healing it at the root.
Self Respect
Embracing Self-Respect enables you to make bold, heart-centered decisions that honor your values and goals, leading to a vibrant, fulfilling life aligned with your inner Truth.
Your relationships will be transformed as you form genuine connection with others, and attract people who appreciate you for who you are.
You'll learn how to stop people-pleasing patterns, set healthy boundaries, and dissolve inner conflict so you can confidently reclaim your power.
Self Care
Self Care is a constant evolution. Knowing how to give yourself exactly what you need in the moment is as art.
A flexible and compassionate self-care routine fuels your body and mind with boundless energy, empowering you to meet each day with love and vitality.
You'll learn to deepen your understanding of your body and mind's unique needs, fostering a greater sense of self-awareness.
This opens the doors to unparalleled happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment, enabling you to flourish and enjoy every moment of life with an open heart
Self Acceptance
Self-acceptance equips you with the emotional strength and courage to face adversity and difficult experiences, learning from them and emerging stronger, wiser, and more compassionate.
Opening the door to new adventures, opportunities, and connections.
You'll feel a profound sense of inner tranquility and balance, giving you a nurturing emotional foundation that supports you through life's challenges with grace and compassion.
Self Trust
Enjoy fearless decision-making as you to confidently make choices aligned with your values, aspirations, and heart's desires.
A deep sense of self-trust enables you to tap into your inner wisdom & intuition, instinctively navigating your life with grace, courage, and kindness.
Cultivating self-trust with compassion nurtures a resilient sense of self-worth and unwavering confidence, no matter what comes your way.
Perfectionism, overthinking, and insecurity will finally give way to authentic confidence.
Self Actualization
Embracing your potential fuels your motivation and determination. You will be empowered you to reach your dreams and unlock your limitless capacity for success.
Being rooted on your path fosters a deep sense of purpose, allowing you to live with intention, focus, and heart-centered authenticity.
You'll find courage to embrace new opportunities, and explore gifts and talents you didn't even know you had.
Find your path of natural evolution and unlock your limitless potential.

In-depth Video Lessons

Downloadable Funsheets

Audio Healing Processes

Short Daily Audio Lessons
Enroll Now and Receive these Bonuses!
Everything you need to support you on the journey of a lifetime.
Personalized Self Love Coaching
You don't have to figure it all out yourself.
You'll receive six group coaching calls with a small group of people so you can get personalized support and strategies to help you overcome obstacles, strengthen self-love, and create a fulfilling life rooted in self-compassion and care.
Connect with an incredible group of like-minded people and discover unwavering encouragement, empathy, and understanding in a nurturing environment that uplifts and energizes you.
You'll feel seen and heard like never before as you walk your path with courage.
Daily Messages for Self Love
Every day you'll receive an email with your message for the day. Each one is 2-4 minutes long, so it doesn't take a lot of time.. All you have to do is click the link and press play.
Each message provides practical and grounded lessons that will help you make Self Love a LIVING practice, rather than a "Nice idea."
You'll feel inspired to continue your work and supported to stay the course as your life continues to change for the better.
Self Love Healing Journeys
Self love is a journey of healing and empowerment.
This collection of guided meditation journeys is specifically designed to help you transform deeply held beliefs and pain that keep you in conflict with yourself.
Each meditation guides you through a proven process for deep healing and activation. And you can go through them as often as you like- every time feeling more free and confident as the layers peel away.
There are meditations for: Releasing Guilt & Shame, Manifesting your most amazing life, Self forgiveness, Heart healing, Releasing doubt, worry, anxiety & fear, Connecting with your divine Self, and more.
The Self Love Library of Resources
I'm constantly developing new tools and trainings, and you'll get access to all of them Here are just a few:
- The Peace Treaty: How to Make Peace with Yourself
- 7 Daily Questions for Self Love to start your day on the right foot
- 6 Kinds of Rest You Didn't Know You Needed
- How to Practice Self Love in Difficult Family Dynamics
- And More...
How to Reset Your Energy in 90-Seconds
In this exclusive training, you'll learn how to work with your own energy in powerful ways that will have an immediate impact on your attitude and intention.
You'll learn to disconnect from negative thoughts and energy-sucking vampires. Regain focus and clarity in record time. Keep positive energy flowing all day long.
You'll feel energized and empowered, with a new sense of self-awareness that will help you be more present and grounded.
This is a complete training that sells for $197.
Access to the Self Love Support Community
I saved the best for last because finding people who are committed to their own growth and development is not always easy.
You'll be able to connect with our community to support you through your journey. These are successful, like-minded people who are dedicated to Self Love and actively practicing it in their lives. I don't need to tell you how rare this is, or how valuable.
You'll have access for life because the Self Love journey never ends. It only gets better.

From the Desk of Nick Hansinger - Carlsbad, CA
Taught by someone who has researched, tested, taught, and LIVED these ideas for years.
I was my own worst enemy.
If you told me 10 years ago that Self Love was the secret to making radical changes in your life and achieving extraordinary results... I NEVER would have believed you.
“That’s too soft. What does it really matter how I feel about myself as long as I can produce? I just need to try harder to overcome.”
Those were the stories I told myself as I burned out again and again.
For many years, I let self-doubt cripple me at pivotal moments. Never feeling like I deserved a break, and beating myself up for constantly falling short of my own oppressive expectations.
It took me years and tens of thousands of dollars to dig myself out of that hole of depression, anxiety and self-sabotage.
I realized that despite all the well-meaning talk about Self Love you see today, there was not a depth of understanding - a proven method - to guide you step-by-step.
Maybe you're going through something similar. Burning yourself out. Fighting a battle in yourself to overcome the negative self-talk, and self-criticism. Holding back on your dreams because you’re afraid of failing.
But how do you actually heal it and make a lasting change?
Until now, there has been no grounded and clear process to resolve the traumas, heal old wounds, release toxic energy, and solve the endless feeling of "not enough-ness" so you can have a fresh, new, and revitalized relationship with yourself.
These are the exact teachings I use for myself and my VIP clients. The same method that has unleashed a flood of Love, Joy, and Prosperity in their lives.
Now it's your turn.
Imagine finally having a sense of quietude in your head, and peace in your heart, that you can access anytime you want.
Imagine what you could accomplish with unshakable self-confidence.
And access to endless creativity and inspiration.
Imagine all the energy you'll have when you stop people-pleasing and drop perfectionism…for good.
Imagine feeling at home in your own skin. Authentically YOU. Free to be more of all the wonderful things you already are and able to access more of your potential day by day.
This is all available to you right now- and much much more. Self Love will impact every area of your life in profound ways.
And this transformation will start to happen the moment you decide to get the tools and training to really be on your own side.
Enroll Now and Instantly Receive...
- 5 modules of transformational training on the Foundations of Self Love
- 6 group coaching calls for laser coaching on your specific needs
- Daily Messages for Self Love (delivered to your inbox every day. Text messages available upon request)
- Healing Meditation Collection for Self Love
- The Self Love Library of Resources: An ever expanding library for advanced practices
- How to Reset Your Energy in 90-Seconds (a stand-alone training to help you master you energy
- Lifetime access to the Self Love Support Community
- Lifetime access to all training and materials including new and improved material as it becomes available.
Susan Koziak
Event Planner & Self Care Coach
"This whole program \was just put together so thoughtfully and it's such a complete overall look at Self Love that it's honestly amazing.
Things in my life are showing up in a much more refined way- in a delicate way, in a subtle way...It feels so much better.
I woke up this morning like, "Wow, I feel really good!"
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get when I join A Course in Self Love?
You get immediate access to all course lessons the moment you join, and the course layout is very simple to use. You'll be learning with ease just a few minutes from now. You'll also receive access to new inspirational and thought-provoking messages daily in your email.
How long is the course? Will I have time for this?
This course has been designed to provide invaluable insight and tangible results as quickly as possible. The process is intended to take you on a transformational journey over 6 weeks. Each will will require about 2-3 hours of time. Much of it split into small, easily digestible chunks. You can easily revisit any lessons whenever you need. All of that being said, this is a zero-pressure zone. You'll be encouraged to take it at your own pace every step of the way.
When does enrollment start
A Course in Self Love is a self-directed online course, so you can go at your own pace. You decide when you start and when you finish. If you want to binge-watch it right now, you can. If you prefer to learn bit-by-but, that's ok too. Either way, you'll have access to everything, forever.
When are the live coaching calls?
I run 8-week sessions about 3 times a year. The dates for the current and upcoming session are listed on the next page at the bottom. You can drop into the current session, or join the upcoming session. When you enroll, someone will reach out to you directly to be sure you have everything you need to join these powerful sessions.
What if I can't make the live group coaching calls?
I’d love it if you could make all of them because I know you’ll find these calls incredibly valuable.
And I understand that it’s not always possible to be there live, so all you have to do is email your question in to me ahead of time, and I'll answer it directly on the call. I'll even give you a simple form to fill out to help you formulate your question to get the most useful and actionable information from me.
What if I don't like the course?
No problem. Every student in A Course in Self Love is protected by a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. It's a risk-free investment for you.
I still have questions. How do I contact you?
Send me an email to
Or text me at 775-453-0724
100%, Absolutely No Questions Asked, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
I am confident that you'll love this course. Hundreds of people have taken my paid trainings and they almost never ask for a refund.
Of course, if you're not happy with the course, then I think you should get your money back. That's why I offer a 100% money back guarantee that lasts for 30 days from the date of purchase. You can take the entire course and if you're not satisfied for any reason during the first 30 days, just let me know and you'll get your money back. I will refund your purchase in full. No questions asked.
There is literally no risk to you and this is one of the best investments you will make in yourself. Guaranteed.
Christi "Pipqueen" Holcomb
FOREX Trader and Chef
"I look back on myself from a year ago, and I think to myself, 'Who was that woman?'
I didn't like myself. I definitely didn't love myself. I was lost.
I let go of so much from my past- so much of it I didn't realize existed. Now I can give more from a health place.
Amanda Ranae
Executive Consultant, Coach & Author
"Nick helped me resolve a core issue that had been affecting every area of my life! I’ve found a happiness in myself I didn’t even know was possible!!"
Nick is known as The Mystic Next Door. He is one of the most highly trained and experienced energy healing practitioners in the USA.
Nick specializes in helping people recover from depression, anxiety, addiction, and trauma recovery.
As a practitioner, coach, and trainer, Nick has taught hundreds of people including business leaders & executives, healers, entrepreneurs, coaches, doctors, lawyers, parents, and people from every walk you can think of, to help them have more calm, focus, confidence, clarity, and presence.
Through his unique system, The Five Foundations of Self Love™, Nick will help you make peace with yourself and your past, end self-criticism and judgment, and stop self-sabotage.
His teachings on Self Love will help you form a new understanding of yourself, and finally be on your own side with confidence and clarity to live your purpose and set yourself free.