How to Immediately Silence Your Inner Critic and Double Your Confidence

Tired of the endless battle with your inner critic? 

Put it to rest for good with this simple 4-step process and watch your confidence soar. 


If You Want To: 

Icon Check TurquoiseHave a simple method to sort out the dialogue in your head and get rid of all the negative voices

Icon Check TurquoiseExperience the natural boost of confidence that comes when you're not constantly cutting yourself down

Icon Check TurquoiseOpen the doors to a brand new and healthy relationship with yourself


But You Don't Want To: 

Icon X Spend years trying to figure it out on your own

Icon X Go down endless rabbit holes only to wind up back where you started

Icon X Invest thousands of dollars in courses, trainings and counseling just to get your feet on solid ground



And you don't know:

😕 How to get started figuring out what's really behind all the self-criticism and blame.

😳 Why you even have them and how they got there in the first place. 

☮️ How to actually create a more coherent and productive inner dialogue without repressing your anger and frustration with yourself. 

🌅 What life could be like without a chorus of negative voices working against your best interests and sabotaging your happiness and success.

If this sounds familiar

and all you want is a clear, proven process, that gets to the heart of the issue without a lot of fluff and personal-development speak,  without buying yet another course that just adds to your overwhelm, or paying a ridiculous amount of money to some self-proclaimed guru…

Then this is for you.

Here's Exactly What You'll Get: 

Step-by-step workbook that will guide you through a proven process so you can arrive at a place of inner peace and heightened self-awareness. 

Meet Nick HansingerHi there, I'm Nick Hansinger, and I've shared this same process with hundreds of people who now have inner quietude and confidence they didn't know was possible. 

Some of the people on that list might surprise you. They're successful business owners, trial attorneys, corporate executives, coaches and healers. 

Many of them had been working on themselves for years, and yet their negative voices and patterns persisted. 

We used this same process to identify the real issues so they could face them head on with love, rather than fighting yet another battle with themselves. 

I just knew that I had to make this available for everyone, because everyone knows that if you want to have a healthy relationship with yourself, dealing with your inner-dialogue is the first thing that needs to happen. And there is no need to fight an endless battle with yourself. 

I first discovered this years ago when I was first getting started in coaching. I'd already been studying peak-performance for years, and yet I still found myself with this endless stream of negative self-talk that just wouldn't let up. 

That same negative self-talk had already taken its toll on my career as a musician, leaving me frustrated and unfulfilled despite everything I had going for me. 

Soon I realized that if I didn't figure this out, I'd never be able to have the business I wanted and do the work I love - let alone enjoy my achievements...

...because no matter how much I accomplished, or how hard I tried, it would never be enough for the voices in my head. 

So I sat down with myself, took over a decades worth of study, practice, and research, and finally put all the puzzle pieces together. Then I distilled it into a foolproof formula.

I kind of laughed at the simplicity of it, but what really astounded me was just how powerful this process was.

Within a week, the negative chatter in my head was nearly gone. I suddenly had much more confidence to make clear decisions and stop procrastinating and making excuses.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you just what a godsend this was, or what it meant to my business, my creative projects, or my peace of mind to be free from that negative influence.

It was a true gift.

And the best part is that I can go back to this process (and I do) anytime negative self-talk, criticism or blame start to sneak in. Because I'm a human being just like anyone else, and those voices of doubt are a natural part of expanding to new levels of success and happiness. 

The difference now is that those negative voices don't control me, they don't sabotage my success, and they definitely don't hang around for long (a day or two at most)

How would you like that kind of freedom?

Imagine what it would be like, and what you could accomplish if you weren't working against yourself.

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I'm sure I don't need to tell you just what a godsend this was, or what it meant to my business, my creative projects, or my peace of mind to be free from that negative influence.

It was a true gift.

And the best part is that I can go back to this process (and I do) anytime negative self-talk, criticism or blame start to sneak in. Because I'm a human being just like anyone else, and those voices of doubt are a natural part of expanding to new levels of success and happiness. 

The difference now is that those negative voices don't control me, they don't sabotage my success, and they definitely don't hang around for long (a day or two at most)

How would you like that kind of freedom?

Imagine what it would be like, and what you could accomplish if you weren't working against yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

I've done a lot of personal development. What's in here that I don't already know?

I get it. I'd been working on myself for well over a decade when I finally created this process. 

What's in here that you don't already know? Maybe nothing. But that doesn't mean it won't work. 

The beauty of this process is the simplicity. It cuts out all the noise and gets straight to the heart of. 

Could you figure it out on your own? Maybe. But how much longer do you want to wait? 

I'm new to this kind of personal work. Will this work for me, or do I need more experience?

First, I'm so happy you found your way here. 

I've used this same process with people who are brand new to personal development and it worked beautifully. 

It's simple, direct, and easy to understand and implement. 

Can I wait and buy this later?

Sure. However I'm not sure how long it will be available at this price. It can change any time. 

When will I get access?


After you submit your order form on the next page, you'll receive an email with your link to download. 

I'm not tech savvy. Will I still be able to do this?

The workbook is a PDF download, and you'll be sent a link directly to your email to download it. 

All you really need is the PDF and a journal or notepad to go through this transformative process. 

You'll also get access to my membership site where you'll have lifetime access to your download and other useful materials and resources. 

If you're having a tough time finding anything, all you have to do is send me an email at


Is there a guarantee?

Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

Here's what a few of Nick's students and clients had to say about his work...

Courtney Harter

"Nick helped me to heal my lyme disease. 

My chronic fatigue was gone. It was a healing miracle. My life has gotten so much easier, I almost didn't know what to do with myself." 

Amanda Ranae
Executive Consultant, Coach & Author

"Nick helped me resolve a core issue that had been affecting every area of my life! I’ve found a happiness in myself I didn’t even know was possible!!"

Tanya Rayvn Star

"Nick shined an amazing light on who I am and how I interact with the world. It had a huge impact in my relationships and even my business." 

Brandie Rivera

I really love working with Nick. He has helped me sort out a lot of programing and patterns that I wasn’t able to see in the most loving way. After every session, I feel lighter and full of clarity and more self-accepting.

Matthew Cooke
Founder, Body Based Breakthrough

My anxiety has completely gone away and my income doubled in a year. Nick was there for me every step of the way through some huge life challenges."

Maria Palumbo
Relationship Coach & Trauma Specialist

"Nick's work is paramount for the peace I feel now. Immediately I felt a deep sense of relaxation. My creativity returned, expression, and my energy is now continuing to build."

Amber Seitz
Massage Therapist & Healer

Nick's simple, yet powerful practices that helped me so very much. My life is completely improved and I have so much gratitude to you Nick for guiding me through. 

Beth Ross Buckley
Founder, Camarada Chamber Ensemble

Nick really knows how to create a magical journey unique to each and every person.

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