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Reflection Eternal: A Mystic Sound Healing™ Journey to Release Sadness, Grief and Loss

Sadness, grief and loss often get tucked away in the mind, heart, and energy. It's understandable. These emotions can be intense and unpleasant to be with.

Sometimes it seems like the pain will last forever. So we push it away to deal with later. This residue builds up over time, weighing us down and congesting the energy system.

It may feel heavy, or sometimes the emotions come over us unexpectedly in a rush. These are signs of unresolved emotions, and this healing meditation is designed to help these release gently from the you mind, energy, and Soul. 

It's ok to cry. 

It's ok to smile or laugh. 

It's ok to feel nothing at all. 

No matter what, you will open your eyes at the end of this feeling lighter, more present, and more embodied. 

"Reflection Eternal" is a meditation on the eternal nature of the Soul in the context of our very vulnerable human hearts. 

A beloved member of my family died in June. This meditation helped release the astonishing pain and brought the peace I needed. Thank you Nick. Namaste. -K.N.

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*MP3 Download compatible with all devices. Also available for listening & download though The Mystic Academy™ Online. 

NOTE: There is no vocal guidance. Only healing sounds. 

This 15-minute MP3 audio is perfect for a brief, yet deep healing meditation. It also plays seamlessly on repeat for extended healing experiences. 

Nick Hansinger is the Mystic Next Door. He brings over 25 years of experience as a professional musician playing everything from the great orchestral works of Beethoven and Mozart to jazz and popular music.

Combining all of his experience in performing, writing and arranging music with his years of study and practice helping thousands of people to heal and transform their lives through the Energy Mastery® System, this audio is the synthesis of his deep knowledge of healing and vast experience in music brought to the ancient art of sound healing.