Permission to Begin Again

Sure, I love it when I get a great start to my day- Up before the sun, a whole day of accomplished tasks before 9am. I love feeling productive and seeing tangible progress. Creative energy flowing.

But sometimes I sleep in.

Usually it’s because I need a little extra rest, but sometimes it’s because I don’t want to get out of bed. Not because I don’t love my life and my work. Mostly because I don’t know where to begin. And if I’m not paying attention, it might be 1pm before I finally get rolling.

Other times, I might start off great, but somehow my day gets away from me. Before I know it, it 3:47pm and I haven’t done anything meaningful. I was very busy, but somehow, nothing happened.

On rare occasions, I get my first wind at 9pm. My best ideas come through and I do a days worth of work in an hour.

I’m telling you this because I want you to know that no matter what time it is, or what’s happened, It’s OK to begin again. You can start your day fresh right now, this very moment if you need to.

All you have to do is one simple thing.

Give yourself permission.

If you don’t give yourself permission to begin again, you’ll just keep kicking the can down the road.


Carrying the same baggage every step of the way, getting heavier and heavier.

I’ve been there. It sucks. Waiting for ‘something’ to change so I can take another step. Spinning wheels and grinding gears in my head. The anxiety mounts. Crippling self-criticism. That was a pretty typical day for me not too long ago.

But you can start your day over right now if you need to. Right this minute.

If you need someone else’s permission, consider this your personal slip from yours truly.

If you can do it for yourself, all the better.

One way or the other, you have permission to begin again. 9am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm, Monday, Thursday, or Friday afternoon…

…it doesn’t matter.

It’s totally ok to begin again.

Love and Light,

The Mystic Next Door

P.S. Fresh starts begin with fresh energy. Click here for a simple start. Then, when you're ready get yourself to a class


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