Important Enough to Ask

Asking for help is a funny thing. Most people will wait until there is an emergency before they swallow their pride, as if asking is a shameful act.  

We don't want to intrude on others, and as a result, we wind up carrying everything ourselves. Heavier and heavier until something breaks. 

The body get's sick. 

Relationships fracture. 

Businesses break. 

And that's usually when it happens. Something magical, in fact...

Suddenly, your need is so dire that it becomes important enough to ask for help; A true epiphany as we humble ourselves to the reality that we can't do it alone. And magically, help arrives.

Every. Single. Time. 

I wonder what would happen if we decided more things were important enough to ask for help. Would we use up some arbitrary number of graces, or would we be blessed with more help than we ever thought possible? 

There's only one way to find out. 

What's important enough for you to ask for help? 


The Mystic Next Door


P.S. Need some help overcoming a challenge in your life? That's why I'm here. Drop me a line at and let me know what's going on. 


Here are some ways I can support when you're ready...

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