Karma and the Perpetual Harvest

Every day we (Ok, mostly Kisma) take a walk around the patio and pick a few ripe fruits to snack on throughout the day. ⁣They get washed and set out like this...


Every time I walk by this little cutting board and have a taste, it brings a smile to my face. ⁣

Life isn’t so different...⁣

Everyday we wake up to whatever has been growing in the garden of our minds; the seeds of karma gradually ripening.

Everyday we step into our lives harvesting the results of our past choices and actions. ⁣

We can't change the past, but we can always...

...plant something beautiful. ⁣

...nurture it with love. ⁣

...enjoy the perpetual harvest. ⁣

The Mystic Next Door


P.S. Have you ever found yourself harvesting the same results no matter what you try? Like a classic setup that always leads to back to square #1? That means there is something off in the energy. If you want to change that, I can show you how. Go here


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